Health Care Decisions
More than 40 Years of Elder Law Practice in Yamhill County, Washington County, Clackamas County, Marion County, and Polk County, State of Oregon.
Larry K. Gray & Associates, P.C. will strive to achieve the best outcome for every client through reasoned, logical, informed, effective advocacy.
At Larry K. Gray & Associates, P.C., the emphasis and focus are to provide sound advice, top quality document preparation, and/or reasoned advocacy for our client. We strive to provide professional, timely, and cost-effective results to meet the client’s legal concerns. Our proficiency, effectiveness, and integrity have earned us a reputation as one of Yamhill County’s premier lawyers.
At times, you may find yourself in situations or with problems that you cannot resolve on your own. Our legal counseling is designed to assist you and your family with courtesy and respect in such difficult periods. Knowledgeable advice acquired from decades of legal experience can help you formulate a course of action to free yourself from a complex legal maze. We do not represent banks, insurance companies, governmental agencies, or large corporations; our clients are individuals and families seeking help with legal problems they encounter in this increasingly complex world.
Larry K. Gray & Associates, PC
"An Elder
Law Lawyer"
Call for
(503) 538-1350
404 East First Street
Newberg, Oregon 97132
Free Parking
Larry K. Gray & Associates, P.C. welcomes clients from within and outside the State of Oregon who need to investigate, review documents, obtain advice, and/or manage the personal condition and financial affairs of an older family member within Yamhill County, Washington County, Clackamas County, Marion County, or Polk County in the State of Oregon. We will make efforts to accommodate and assist with the difficulties associated with helping a father, mother, or other older family member from long distance.
Many individuals have an opinion as to what medical treatments he or she should receive as death approaches. The State of Oregon has adopted a written form entitled Advance Directive to Physicians which allows a person to give some direction as to the level of medical treatment they want in their final days. The Advance Directive to Physicians also provides a method for naming a Health Care Representative for when a person is unable to make his or her own medical decisions.
Another method of providing for instructions as to the level of medical treatment to be provided by emergency medical service providers is called a POLST - Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment. The POLST declaration, signed by the person and his or her physician, is normally left in a visible place where emergency medical service providers can become aware of the instructions. Oregon has also established an electronic POLST Registry which enables first responders and providers to call from the field and be informed of a patient's POLST orders.
If you or a family member lack physical mobility, an appointment with our lawyer at your home, assisted living or care facility can probably be arranged for an elder law and/or estate planning consultation. The geographical locations for the out-of-office appointment can be within most of Yamhill County, most of Washington County, the western portion of Clackamas County, and the northwestern portion of Marion County. If you call, we will be glad to discuss the options for an initial consultation appointment at your location.
For a knowledgeable, experienced, and cost-effective
Elder Law and Estate Planning attorney, contact
Larry K. Gray & Associates, P.C. Larry K. Gray
has been helping clients for more than 40 years.
Larry K. Gray & Associate, P.C.
404 East First Street
Phone: (503) 538-1350
Newberg, Oregon 97132

The information on this website is not intended to be legal advice regarding your particular legal problem, and the presentation of this information does not create an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship will only exist after a mutual agreement to establish an attorney-client relationship.